A simple 3 stage two stroke exhaust calculator based on formulas of G.P. Blair from the book: The Design & Simulation of Two Strokes.
You can also save and load the data by using the provided functions.
This coefficient Kh is called the horn coefficient, with typical values between one and two. Small values of Kh are best suited to Grand Prix engines with narrow power bands, larger values are for wider more flexible engines.
Sederhana 3 tahap dua langkah buang kalkulator berdasarkan formula GP Blair dari buku: The Design & Simulasi Dua Strokes.
Anda juga dapat menyimpan dan memuat data dengan menggunakan fungsi yang disediakan.
Koefisien ini Kh disebut koefisien tanduk, dengan nilai-nilai khas antara satu dan dua. Nilai kecil Kh paling cocok untuk mesin Grand Prix dengan band-band kekuasaan sempit, nilai-nilai yang lebih besar untuk lebih luas mesin lebih fleksibel.
A simple 3 stage two stroke exhaust calculator based on formulas of G.P. Blair from the book: The Design & Simulation of Two Strokes.
You can also save and load the data by using the provided functions.
This coefficient Kh is called the horn coefficient, with typical values between one and two. Small values of Kh are best suited to Grand Prix engines with narrow power bands, larger values are for wider more flexible engines.